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Durango Line Dancers Overview

We've been dancing together at the Durango/La Plata Senior Center since before the start of the new millennium--sounds impressive that way, don't you think?

If you're excited about line dancing, you are invited to dance with us. We dance on Thursday afternoons with beginning dances from 1:30-2:30 and traditional line dances that are faster with more difficult steps from 2:30-4:00.

We also have groups that practice advanced dances on Tuesday afternoon.

Our Instructor

Jean is our long-time instructor. She's been teaching us new steps and dances since we began. Before that she taught clogging for ten years. Jean also invites other Durango Line Dancers as well as instructors from other regional clubs to share their expertise.

Jean has lived south of town for 30+ years and manages a hobby farm with a garden, menagerie of animals, and chickens. We're often the recipients of her freshly grown garden vegetables and eggs.

our instructor, Jean
dancers and friends

Favorite Things

Everyone enjoys the friends they make as well as the mental and physical health benefits. As our friend Charlotte says, "It's a workout for your body and your mind."

We host luncheons and parties for our club as well as inviting other regional clubs to join in the fun. Some of us also travel together to regional workshops and jamborees.